Monday, January 14, 2013

Crawling, Talking, and a Goat Fence too

Well, as usual, things have been quite busy lately. Sadie had her seven month check up right after New Years, and she weighed 18 pounds 4 ounces. She wasn't very happy that day, so they didn't get to measure her. Trust me though, she's growing up. Pictures from the last few weeks are below. The last two are from Nanny Kate. That girl is a wizard with Instagram. Some of the most beautiful pictures of Sadie have come from Kate.

 I absolutely love this picture. That is Sadie's general demeanor. She's a very happy child. (And yes, that is a Yo Gabba Gabba character in the background. She loves that show. Especially the songs "Party in my Tummy" and "Don't Bite Your Friends.")
She's a flirt too.

Sadie is now crawling, or at least attempting to crawl. She rocks back and forth, gets some momentum going, then moves her hands and knees forward a few steps. Then she falls over and gets cranky. I think it's because she's having to exert too much energy. She's got quite the easy life.
She is also talking up a storm. We have regular conversations, and her ability to communicate is improving rapidly. She's making more sounds like Ba, Da, Pa, and other general noises. And she's responding to us when we talk to her by trying to mimic our sounds. It's really cool to see her grow and develop each day. The toys that she has that play music or light up are of special interest to her, and to us as we watch her figure out how to use them. She is very good at figuring out which buttons to push to get sound, or where to hit her books so they play music. It's not uncommon for her to have a book in her hands while we hear the same song over and over as she figures out what the button does.
Sadie definitely prefers Steph over me, but typically only if she can see Steph or knows that she's in the same room. The bond that Steph and Sadie have with each other is beautiful, and I love watching the two of them together.
I think we're getting close to the point where we're going to have to start baby proofing the house. We'll set her down, look away, and she'll be a foot away from where she was. It's not a huge difference, but enough to make us anxiously await the day that she's all over the house. I'll have to go get some knee pads for her I guess.

On a different note, I posted a while back about building a fence at the farm so we can have goats. Well, after 4 months, I'm happy to say I think we're nearing the end of it. This weekend, since the weather was so nice (72 in January? Really?) we went up to the farm to put a large dent in what was left. We put all the metal stakes in the ground and on Sunday we actually put some fence up. I'm putting pictures below to show you our progress. If you ask me, it looks pretty good for people who were making it up as we went along.

We still have two sides to finish, then put the two gates up and string barbed wire along the top, but I was very pleased with all we got accomplished. Another 2-3 days of good work and we'll be ready to build the shelter for the goats.

After we finished last night, Alan and I took the four wheelers out to look at the property lines. They've broken the dam for their pond to clean it out, and the dam is the only way to get to half of their property. So a few weeks ago we found some old plywood and built a bridge so we could get over there. I hadn't used it yet, but Alan had noticed a lot of traffic across the pond from locals who apparently figured that we couldn't get out there to check on things. So we drove to that side of the property. Sure enough, people were hunting on the land without Alan's permission. While we were out I took a few pictures of a particularly beautiful piece of land at the corner of their property.

Alan, the Four Wheelers, and Maggie.

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