Monday, July 16, 2012

Mom's Best Friend

This is what I have to leave every morning. It's not fair.
Sadie loves sitting beside Steph and just watching her. In the mornings after I wake up, Sadie gets in the bed and slowly wriggles her way over to her mom, getting as close as she possible can. Steph's starting working from home for the next few weeks, so she's working on the laptop a few hours a day. Sadie sits in her boppy and just watches Steph, makes faces at her and smiles.

Sadie is now trying to replicate the faces we make at her and the sounds we make. When she's in a really good mood, we have conversations. Granted, we're not solving world peace or anything, but we are making headway in the cooing and grunting department.

It's amazing to watch her grow and develop. And if you ask me, she's starting to look more and more like me. Poor girl...

1 comment:

  1. Love that top picture! So sweet. We appreciate your prayers and support - hopefully all goes well tomorrow and we can get together again soon! Can't wait to meet Sadie.
