Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Man, I'm behind. So much has happened over the past few weeks, and I don't have that many pics right now. They're all on our camera instead of our iphones, so it takes forethought and planning to get them on the blog. They will come, they will come.

Just a few quick updates to tease the pictures that will be here soon.

Thanksgiving was a huge success. The Vernon and Cox families all got together at our house for one huge Thanksgiving meal. We had 16 people there, and it was a ton of fun. We'll have to do it again next year.

Sadie was baptized on Sunday the 25th of November. It was a huge deal for us and a very meaningful and deeply significant thing.

We went to Sparta this past Sunday and got our first Christmas tree with Sadie. She loved being outdoors, and she loves looking at the tree.

Sadie turned 6 months old on 11/24. Her 6 month checkup showed that she weighs 17 pounds and is 25 inches tall. She's a growing girl!

She had her first chiropractic visit as well. She does this thing when she's focusing on something where she tilts her head and bends to one side. It's pretty funny looking, but we wanted to make sure her neck wasn't bothering her or anything. Looks like everything's ok for now.

Sadie has started standing up with our help. When she's laying down, we hold her hands and say, "Ready Ready!" and she pulls up. She's been doing this for quite a while, but just to get to the sitting up position. Now she's pushing off when she gets to the fully upright position, and she can push all the way to standing. She's still not crawling, but the doctor said that's because we never put her down. She kicks her legs and moves her arms, but she can't figure out how to get that belly off the ground. I put her on all fours last night, but she kept sticking her butt in the air so she could stand up.

She's growing so fast, it's crazy. We're getting into the initial stages of stranger anxiety, she's excited when she sees familiar faces, and she's saying her first words. So far, we've got Mama and Nana. She's making sounds that will lead to Papa (both her grandfathers are called Papa), but no "D" sounds yet. I guess I'll have to wait for Dada. All I know is that this Christmas is going to be awesome.

As I said, more to come. But that's what's going on in our lives. And, what would a post be without any pictures?

Here's our Christmas Tree. I think we got a little over zealous with the whole "this is Sadie's first Christmas tree" thing. It's by far the largest tree we've ever bought, at about 8 feet tall. We had to buy more ornaments because we didn't have enough!

And here's Sadie practicing her face that she'll use when I tell jokes. Clearly, she is not amused.

And finally, the many faces of Sadie Grey, as taken by Nanny Kate

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