Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 24th is coming

Sadie will turn one year old this Friday. We're having a cook out with the family to celebrate, but it's simply amazing how time has just absolutely flown by. I can't believe where we've gone in a year.

This time a year ago, Stephanie was on her third day of steady contractions of 5 minutes apart. We'd been to the doctor twice and the hospital once at this point. Sadie was extremely stubborn.

I'll have more soon, but I just wanted to post that Friday is a big day, for more reasons than one...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Here are some photos of the past couple of weeks. Not much to report on, just life keeping us hopping.
Sadie loves baths. As witnessed in the above picture. You can also make out her vampire teeth that are coming in. 

Her new scrunch face